Friday, 29 February 2008

Woo-hoo! I'm now the proud owner...

...of this beast!
Now I just need to wait for it to be delivered (hopefully over the next few days) and then I can start some kind of programme of walking and building up to jogging and then to running.

All part of my masterplan to take over the world of course (insert evil laugh here)...well, to look good in my wedding dress anyway!

Thursday, 28 February 2008

Motivational TV + Music

I am loving The Biggest Loser at the's very motivational - almost makes me want to go out and run up mountains to prove to myself I can...of course I could only do this with the lovely Bob (personal trainer) by my side ;-)
Isn't he bendy in this photo....hmmm, intriguing!

I am also trying to come up with a motivational playlist (exercise wise) for my iPod. I'm looking for songs that will get me moving quicker and will keep me going when the going gets tough. So far I'm thinking of these:
  • Start Me Up - Rolling Stones
  • Stronger - Kanye West
  • Eye of the Tiger - by whoever sang that!
  • She Moves in her own way - The Kooks
  • Some Jimi Hendrix
  • Some Killers
  • Whole Lotta Love - Led Zepplin
  • Don't Stop Movin' - S Club 7
  • Beautiful Day - U2
  • She's a Rainbow - Rolling Stones
  • Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol
  • (Doing naughty things) in the bushes - Oasis *name changed for polite purposes!
  • A little less conversation - Elvis
  • Carnaval de Paris - Dario G
  • I wasn't built to get up - The Supernaturals
  • Last Night - The Strokes
  • Nowhere to Run - Martha Reeves and the Vandellas
  • Lots of Stereophonics
  • Filthy Gorgeous - Scissor Sisters

Ok - it's official - I have the strangest mix of music possible! I have also just discovered a heap of music on iTunes I forgot I even had so I am going to go and play! The exercise playlist might need a bit of tweaking but hopefully it's a good start!

Where I'm at

Nearly 2 weeks since I last posted - oops! I have thought about doing it a few times but then haven't got around to it. Nevermind - I am updating now! And just in time too. I think by updating this it will help me see where my goals are coming along nicely and where they need some more work!
Health and Fitness update
  • Weight lost so far - I seem to be losing and putting back on the same couple of 100g these last few weeks so need to do better at watching what I am eating and getting my exercise levels up.

  • I only managed 1 curves workout last week and I haven't been to curves yet this week. I am planning to go tonight and then Saturday plus either Thursday or Friday.

  • I did the 7km walk last week but this week I missed it (was feeling really lethargic and had some other stuff that was more important - my job application!)

  • Also, on the other exercise front - we are looking at buying a Treadmill (from TradeMe) as we can both use it and I can build up my running without feeling like a red faced bad runner on the streets! It will be good for the winter too when I don't want to go out walking or to the gym when it's dark and cold.

  • My hormones have been all over the place with coming off the pill. I am taking Evening Primrose and Bio-zinc to try and balance myself out and just need to see what happens. I've heard it can take anywhere between a month and 18 months to get back to normal after coming off the pill having been on it for a long time. The average seems to be about 6 months so I just need to wait and see.

  • I have found details of a Learn to Meditate class that is taking place locally on Sunday 9th March so have called to book in for that and managed to rope in a friend to come along as well I hope. It's a 3 hour class and costing $30Nz which I thought was quite reasonable. I'm hoping it's enough of a taster to see if it works for me and if it's something I should pursue further.

  • As for MSG - I have virtually cut it out. The 2 times I have eaten it in the last few weeks I have really felt the consequences afterwards - my allergy symptoms go crazy, my nose runs constantly and I feel really tired. Must remember to check all labels before I eat anything!

  • No chocolate - that's going well although I haven;t been a complete angel! From 6th February to today (27th) I have had 4 days where I have had chocolate. So it's not completely out but I am pleased I have had so many days without it!
Writing Update
  • I am working on editing my NaNo novel. I'm currently trying to story board my plot so I can work out where there are holes that I need to fill and also to see if there are any scenes that don't move the story on. Unfortunately it's not going to be edited in time to submit to the end of February NZ Romance Writers contest but hopefully I will find another contest later on in the year I can submit it to.

  • I have had a few ideas for a 2nd story so need to start noting these down so I have something to work on when I'm ready to start.

Wedding Update
  • The only thing we've been able to work on so far has been the budget. We have had some disappointing news that we aren't going to get some money through that we were hoping for and that we had planned to use on the wedding. So it's a case of trying to work out what we can afford, how we can get the money together and then getting something booked.

  • Obviously with the money not coming through it's put a huge strain on the idea of getting married in a Italian castle. We talked about it though and we want to get married there - even if we have to have fewer guests and pizzas for dinner rather then a la carte food at the reception! So we need to do some serious maths equations and work out how the hell we're gonna make it happen!

Relationships Update
  • I put a post on the K & G NZ blog last week and will aim to do another over the next 7 days so I'm happy people are getting a glance at what we've been up to. I think maybe I need to email round to remind people the blog is still there and I am finally posting to it again though!

  • We had a lovely Valentines Day together with a meal out. We have also spent some time with friends out together which has been good. I need to try and plan something for this weekend which is cheap (to save for the wedding!) and fun that we can do together. We did play Singstar last weekend by ourselves which was heaps of fun and may be considered 'quality time'!

  • I managed to catch up with 2 NZ friends that are not in Palmy anymore over the weekend which was great. Now I need to make sure I'm replying to friends and family back in the UK that have sent emails. I'm not doing too badly at this!

Creativity/Personal Development

  • I've been in touch with my scrapbooking buddy (!) and we've agreed to meet up in April to get going on the scrapbooking again which is good. I've spent a small amount of time looking over pages I'd planned etc over the last couple of weeks and hope to spend some time scrapbooking over the next few weekends (if the weather turns bad - if it's good, I will make the most of it and save the crafty stuff for when it's cold and dark!).

  • I've had 2 out of 4 of my All About Herbs class so far which has been interesting. I also learnt about Herbal Crafts this week so that appeased my crafty side! Next week we look at Herbs used in Medicine and the final lesson is about Herbs in cooking.

  • I've not updated this blog regularly over the last 2 weeks but I'm updating it today. Will try and do little posts in between these big full update posts just to keep my goals fresh in my mind.

Phew - so that's the update on my goals!

I'm also in the process of applying for a promotion at work and have spent quite a few hours trying to decide if it's the right thing to do. I am hoping to finish my application tonight and submit it tomorrow (it closes on Friday) and then it's all up to fate. At least this way I won't look back and wished I'd done more. I can only apply and see what happens.

And maybe one of these days I'll get around to telling some of my friends that this blog is here ;-)

Thursday, 14 February 2008

Mid Week Update

Not a bad week so far.

Health/Fitness - I haven't had any chocolate since last Tuesday (5th Feb) so the stickers are lining up nicely on the calendar each day (heart shaped ones in bright colours!)
I went to Curves on Monday so 2 more work outs to go before Sunday (hopefully Friday and Saturday).

I also walked the 7km Striders walk/run last night. Did it in about 1hr 14min which seemed quite slow. It did rain for most of the walk though so I was soaked through and needed windscreen swipers for my glasses by the time I got to the end!
My healthy eating could be healthier so I need to try harder there...I have been busy concentrating on no chocolate at this stage. Once that becomes easier/more of a habit I will kick start that.

Writing has been a total no go-er...there is a competition I would like to enter my novel into that closes at the end of February. That means I need to get some serious editing done between now and then. We shall see. It definetly isn't ready to be submitted as it is.

I have booked next Monday off as one of my lieu days after being in Auckland recently. This gives me the opportunity and time to have a good look at it and make a decision about whether I am submitting it to the soon to close competition.

And I have signed up (with Graeme) to do a 4 week evening class at a local school that offers night classes. It's called All About Herbs and teaches you how to grow and look after them and then how to cook with them and use them in beauty products too. That should be fun and counts as one of my creativity and personal development goals. Talking of creativity - I also made Graeme a Valentine's card so have stretched my artistic craft muscles this week!
My relationships goals are being covered this week as I will be spending time with Graeme tomorrow in honour of Valentines Day (we are probably going out for dinner). I've also updated the NZ blog in the last week so working to keep in touch with friends and family.
And last but not least - the wedding....I spoke to my Dad over the weekend regarding the wedding as we are currently trying to work out our budgets and what we can afford so I needed to speak to him and ask some questions.
All in all, I think I am trying and gradually working towards the things I want to achieve.

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

I hate budgets!

Today I really dislike my job.
Overall, in the big scheme of things I quite enjoy what I do and I believe in what the organisation I work for is supposed to stand for.
The bad days happen when I can see that people are taking advantage or not following the rules that are put there for a reason.
The other thing that infuriates me is when people expect you to complete a complex task (budgets for instance) with no guidance, a tight deadline and ridicoulously set up spreadsheets that have no logic.

So that's my rant over. At least when I get these budgets off my desk I will be able to concentrate on recruiting volunteers for 2009 which is a fun part of my job!

Friday, 8 February 2008

Some good, some bad...

I have not yet eaten any chocolate so I am doing well on that front.
I have a shiny heart sticker on the calendar from not eating chocolate yesterday and am well on the way to getting another today.
I must be quite a visual person and I defiently like stickers as seeing the stickers line up during the month of November as I was reaching my daily word count for NaNoWriMo prompted me onwards. I hope using them for the No Chocolate thing will help me stick with it.

As for this week's other goals....
  • I was doing fairly well at bed before 10.30pm but blew it last night when I stayed in the bath for an hour with my iPod blaring (from speakers - I wasn't wearing my earphones in the bath!) and reading a book. I will make sure I get to bed before 10.30pm tonight and tomorrow (Friday) as well.
  • It's been a bit hit and miss with the vegetables so I must try harder with this and keep track so I know how many I've eaten.
  • I haven't made it to curves once yet this week (eek!) but did take the dog for a long walk on Wednesday. I'm going to pack my gym stuff to take to work tomorrow. If I don't go to the gym tomorrow I will go swimming with Graeme and I will definetly go to Curves on Saturday morning.
  • I haven't done any editing of my NaNo manuscript yet this week so need to get some done over the weekend.
I feel really quite tired and have been quite emotional these last few days. I think this could be a reaction to coming off the pill. It's now been 15 days since I last took it. I have been taking Evening Primrose Oil and Vitamin B6 as they are supposed to be good for regulating hormones so will see how that goes. It's hard to find motivation when I am in this kind of mood and I've spent most of my 'free' time reading the last few days rather then focussing on my goals.
I am going to plan the weekend so I get a combination of things I need to do and things I want to do in the hope I do complete some tasks by rewarding myself with relaxation!

I'll see how it goes!

Thursday, 7 February 2008

40 days without chocolate...

I am not a religious person.
I can't remember a time when I have given something up for Lent.

But yesterday - I bit the bullet.

In a moment of stupidity I declared - out loud - with Graeme as my witness - that I would give up chocolate for Lent.

So now I have to go 40 days without chocolate.
And of course, it turns out it is longer then 40 days...the Sunday's don't ususally count as Lent but I think it's best if I go all the way through.

So starting today (Wednesday 6th February 2008, Ash Wednesday) I will be trying very hard not to eat chocolate. And if I suceed, I will treat myself to a small easter egg to enjoy on Easter Friday (21st March 2008). That is, of course - if I want chocolate by then.

Perhaps I'll be cured of my addiction!

There are some exceptions - which have been discussed with Graeme (who is also giving up chocolate for Lent which should help me avoid temptation!).

We are allowed:
*hot chocolate drinks
*chocolate milkshakes
*mocha frappacino's
*to finish the carton of cookies and cream icecream in the freezer BUT we are not allowed to buy anymore.

So I will be marking each day I succeed at not giving into temptation with a gold star on the calendar!

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

My focus for this week

I am back in Palmy after a long weekend away in Auckland for work. I didn't get much down-time at all so unfortunately got no further with the editing of my novel. I did manage to do some planning for this week though.

I am going to try and review my goals each week and decide which ones I need to focus on and how I am going to do this. I plan to do this each Sunday.

So for this week I will be focusing on WRITING and HEALTH & FITNESS.

For the WRITING side of things I want to try and manage 6 hours of editing on my novel this week. Wednesday is a public holiday so I will spend a couple of hours then and also Saturday and Sunday.

As for HEALTH & FITNESS I need to catch up on some sleep and rest after a busy weekend so plan to be in bed by 10.30pm each work night this week. I also want to eat 3 portions of veggies every day, do 3 curves workouts this week (hopefully today or tomorrow, Friday and Saturday) and go for 1 long walk (possibly the 7km Manawatu Striders walk on Tuesday, if not - a big walk with the dog on Wednesday).

I'm going to try and keep Wednesday free from any arrangments with other people. It will be nice to have a quiet day with Graeme, get some things done I want and then relax without any time constraints.

While I was away, Graeme got me the 'Eat that Frog!' anti-procrastination book from the library so I will also be taking some time to read that this week.

And it's my Mum's birthday today so I will be speaking her tonight and telling her how great she is!

And maybe...just maybe, I might go public with this blog this week and email a link to my closest friends so I can get a little support along the way...