Friday, 14 March 2008

Phew! It's Friday baby!

It's been a big week. A very big week.
And I am so glad it's Friday.

I don't really have any plans for the weekend so I plan to catch up on sleep, exercise, eat some healthy food and relax.

And we now have wireless internet - woo hoo! So I am writing this post in the lounge, on the laptop, during the advert for American Idol. It's fab. Now I can check my emails in bed! Seeing as I plan to spend a lot of time there this weekend this wireless malarky could come in quite handy!

As for the work situation - I didn't get a promotion but I did get what I wanted. I still get to work in a job I love and I have a new manager who sounds like she is really switched on. I am hoping to meet her next week. So it's all change at work but I am hoping it's a move forward and will all be for the greater good.

I recently did an exercise to try and determine my key values which would help me with my goal setting. I realised that balance is a very important value to me. It's interesting - I just google imaged 'balance' and a lot of pictures of scales have come up. I am a libran so I suppose I should have realised that balance would be important to me. This weekend will be about regaining some balance and trying to feel levelled (trying to use another word for balance!)

Balance was possibly the reason I was so keen to try meditation...I did go along to the class last week but I am not certain it's for me. It certainly was an interesting afternoon but I am not sure that it will help me with where I am at at the moment. So meditation will take a backburner for now and I will investigate some other relaxation methods that will help me switch off.
And I also finished my Herbs course this week which was good. I am glad I signed up for it. It's definetly given me some inspiration for using herbs for cooking, crafting and also for medicinal purposes!
I'm off to chill out in front of American Idol and have a relaxing weekend. More on the other goals later methinks.

Friday, 7 March 2008

Weekend...woo hoo!

Yay! It's the weekend - just what I need! It's been a long and tiring week.

I have quite a lot to do this weekend (eeek!)...

I am going to a Learn to Meditate class on Sunday afternoon so come the end of the weekend I should be centred and's hoping!

I have a job interview next week so I have to prepare for that.

I need to go to work for a wee while tomorrow to get some stuff finished before a heavy week next week.

I need to get to the gym and have a go on the Treadmill again (which I've had a couple of go's on so far and man, do I have a long way to go!)
I want to get some writing done this weekend.

Plus I want to sleep...

In fact, I'll think I'll go and make a start on that last one just now

Thursday, 6 March 2008

Putting me to shame!

I hope this link works -

Just in case it doesn't - here's a brief overview of the story.

A 10 year old boy who goes to a Junior School in NZ gets up at 6.30am every morning to write before he goes to school. He had his first novel published aged 9 and he has sold about 50 of each of his books and has orders for more.

Wow! What the kids are up to these days eh?

Of course - at the age of 10 I was working hard for the parents business and feeding the zoo of animals we had which is my excuse for not getting published by the time I left Primary School.

I'm not entirely sure what my excuse is these days but I am trying!

Currently 'thinking' about my edits on my NaNo 07 novel and also have some ideas bubbling for the next story. Have been doing lots of research on the web of how published authors edit their stories. Now I just need to sit down and get the edits made.

Methinks I need a deadline....

Monday, 3 March 2008

You cannot be serious

No, but really, someone please tell me how it got to be MARCH already? !
Where has this year gone! I know I was away for the first few weeks of January but February flew by be with the blink of an eye. Is the whole year going to be like this?

It already feels like so long since I saw everyone in the UK over Christmas and New Year and now, to realise it's March! I have a lot to get done in the next 12 months so I better get crackin'!

I started a food diary yesterday (yawn!)...I hate doing it but have to to make sure I am scoffing the right foods. I have a plan in action - I want to average a loss of 0.5kg per week between now and next May. It's do-able - I just need to stay committed. Now, I just want the treadmill to be delivered (impatient? me? never!) while I have some motivation so I can have a go at that!

I like Autumn - it's probably my favourite season but I am looking out the window at the trees blowing all over the place and the sleet-ish rain coming down and realise I'm not quite ready for summer to end yet...I need a bit more sunshine to keep me motivated at least until I can get a healthy new routine in place. I'm gonna wish for a few more weeks of least until the clocks change on the 6th April!