Saturday, 17 May 2008

Handbag (Tagged by Kelly)

Kelly tagged me to do this so here it is!
1. Take a photo of your handbag

2. List what is in it (no leaving anything out!)

Okay so my bag is pretty old - the make is Custard and I got it for a bargain in a surfy type shop in Braehead Shopping Centre, Glasgow many moons ago. I'm sure it was a fiver or some other complete steal! It's not my full time bag as I tend to swap. I normally use a different bag for work but as I have been on holiday this week I downgraded to a smaller bag. It's still quite a "Mary Poppins" number though in that I seem to be able to cram a lot in.

And here is a list of what's in it currently:

  • Purse (purple, make: Jag, containing: various credit and eftpos cards, loyalty cards for a number of places where I don't seem to shop, 2 pairs of earrings - I have a habit of taking them off half way through the day and chucking them in my purse, $2.20 in change)
  • 2 packets of tissues - one menthol, one plain
  • my red iPod Nano in it's pink snoopy bag (bought in Hong Kong at the night markets)
  • a pink highlighter (I love hightlighting things randomly and I also like pink)
  • a Gap (organisation I work for) pen (not pictured)
  • Panadol (7 left on the strip of 10)
  • a silver packet which contains a rugby trading card which you get free in packets of crisps - this is from the bag of crisps I got from the cinema last week and I'm saving it for my boss's children who collect them
  • Mills and Boon Novel - The Inconvenient Bride by Anne McAllister - for some light hearted reading when the going gets tough
  • Whitcoulls $20 voucher (remaining from $30 of vouchers I got from my birthday last October) - I have been saving it for something really special that I wouldn't normally buy and so far have not found anything that merits it's worth
  • my crappy Nokia cell phone circa 1960 (at least that's how old it looks) - I really want a new one but don't have the inclination to spend the huge amount that phones seem to cost here in NZ
  • United Video coupons - from last Saturday and Tuesday when I got movies and a Singstar game for my week off
  • Purple glasses cleaning cloth although I can never find it when I want to use it and end up using my sleeve or bottom of my top instead
  • Camera case (which also normally holds the camera except I needed the camera to take the picture)

Wow - that was quite fun! And for once I don't seem to have too much crap in my bag! On any other day it's quite possible by bag could have contained any of the following:

  • poo bags for walking the dog
  • dog treats
  • Graeme's sunglasses
  • umbrella
  • shopping list
  • craft stuff
  • water bottle
  • notepad
  • diary
  • a wad of old reciepts mostly from Starbucks

but not today!

So there you have it. I tag anyone who reads this that has the inclination to do it :-)

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Oh my! You have a voucher from Whitcoulls dating back to October?? Where do you get your willpower from?!?