Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Back to class and potential regular blogging

I am taking this online scrapbooking class at the moment but it is so much more then just a scrapbooking class. The class meets several of my involves my creativity and scrapbooking, my writing and learning more about myself.

It also includes daily blogging prompts! Now, I don't promise to blog everyday but I will try and be a bit more regular and answer some of the prompts!

The class is over 5 weeks and the themes this week are time and travel. At the start of each week we get photograph assignments, then some journalling/writing assignments mid week before design assignments to get it all down on scrapbook pages at the end of the week.

I have been giving a lot of thought to both of this weeks themes...especially during the 3 hours of driving I did today to attend a course for work.

I will attempt the first 2 blogging prompts now.

My Freedom Blogging Prompt 1 - Post a picture you take from your clock adventure as you look for all the time pieces in your house. Tell your blog readers about this project and you hope to make time for it.

I haven't had much of a chance to take many time piece pictures yet because it's been dark when I've been getting home from work but I will do some work on this later on in the week and try to post a picture then. I thought I had a picture of me at the human sundial in Wellington and was going to post that but I can't find it. I did find this sketch though (courtesy of Google images) so you can see what I am talking about!

My Freedom Blogging Prompt 2 - If you could travel in time for just one day, where would you go and what would you do?

I don't want to have regrets about my life. I am trying very hard to look at everything that happens from different angles to find the good in everything (this is very difficult sometimes but with a little time I normally find at least one good thing to say about something I would have previously regarded as bad). For this reason I don't want to go back in my own lifetime to change something I did because I like to think that I wouldn't be the person I am now if I did that. I am also not keen to go forward in my own life because with my positive outlook (or attempt at it anyway!) I want to think that what happens will happen and yes I can choose my path but I want it to be a little bit of a surprise.

So I think given the chance I would like to go back in history to a time before I was born. I have always had a fascination with egyptian times as well as the regency era so I think it would be cool to go back to either of these times to experience life as it was. And again, thanks to Google images for these two...

And now - who knows - I might be back tomorrow with another blogging prompt answer!


Kathy said...

I havent done the time piece images yet either because of a serious lack of clocks in my house! But i did manage some of the travel photos. I like your travel in time photos!

. said...

I must have been having a total brain cramp and missed the clock prompt! I love the human sundial sketch though - is that a real thing? That's very cool!!


SABEE said...

this class is devine hey !! I love reading everyones blogs and I agree totally with you, back in time to ancient times is the way to go..

Kate said...

Thanks for the comments! My blog has never been this busy ever!
Marie - yes it is a real thing...I googled it and found this link: I really thought I had my photo taken there - will have to have another search! And if not - next time I'm in Wellington I will have to get my photo taken there!