Monday, 14 July 2008


Blogging Prompt 5 of Shimelle's My Freedom class:

How do you prefer the pace of life? Do you wish things would speed up or slow down? Illustrate with something that has been on your mind or on your calendar or share your preference between working slowly or quickly on a crafting project.

Hmm, not too sure about this one. I decided to think about it over the weekend and then didn't really get around to it so I am making this up as I go along (as per usual!).
I think I quite like anticipation...although saying that I am known to be quite impatient!
I enjoy the build up to things (like holidays or seeing people after a long time) and I am a planner and a list-maker so I tend to have fun with getting ready for things. I would only want things to speed up if I was organised (and even then I would probably decide to have more time and do a better job of getting ready!).
I can also be a teeny weeny bit of a procrastinator (okay, so quite a big procrastinator - hence the name of this blog) which can cause problems because I sometimes leave things to the last minute.
Moving to New Zealand has been about slowing life down a bit and I think I've slowed it down enough.
I think I'm fairly happy with my attitude to time overall (apart from needing to work on the procrastination of course!).
I do know I don't want to wish my life away by focusing so much on the next big thing that I miss out on all the great little everyday things that can happen.
I started a gratitude diary back in February which has been quite enlightening. I try to write down 5 things at the end of every day which I am grateful for. I've recently been going back and looking at entries from 5 months ago and it's interesting to reflect on the daily things that would otherwise have been forgotten.

If anyone reading this is keen to slow down and appreciate the everyday I would definetly recommend starting some kind of daily gratitude log. It's also made me much more positive.

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